Architecture is a niche that requires consistent creativity and strategies to help bring forth streamline layouts that the client likes and resonates with. But, making a layout or a blueprint isn’t as straightforward as many make it out to be.
There are a number of factors and inputs that go into making this a popular attribute in the process. With so many available resources and languages in the market, it isn’t surprising at all that ArchiMate does stand out as the best one in the market.
If you are wondering what is ArchiMate and why use it, don’t worry, we do have some insightful pointers to share with you.
What is ArchiMate?
ArchiMate is an open and independent modelling language developed by The Open Group for the architectures to help streamline their ideas and thought process in an unified manner.
The main objective why this is used is mainly because it helps describe, analyze as well as visualize every kind of idea in the minds of the architecture for better understanding of things.
This modelling technique is so easy to decipher and so well articulated that helps describe the requirements and the execution for the enterprises in a very smooth and clear way. It helps in better and clear establishment of the relationships between architectural domains, providing a strategized and simple structure for better description of the elements involved.
When it comes to who uses ArchiMate, or rather, what kind of industry it is mainly used in, the answer skirts around the general Business processes, IT sector and even for the technical infrastructure around.
How does it work?
In simple words, ArchiMate is a graphical language that promotes better graphical representation of the operations of a business in a very strategic way. It helps create a better mapping of the steps that one is likely to indulge in for the growth and the planning of their business ideals.
The end results using ArchiMate has been found to provide with a very clear and evolved perspective of the architecture that the organization has to work with. It also helps visualize the consequences associated with any kind of decision along the way and plan things in accordance to that.
What does the basic framework include?
When it comes to the final visuals using an ArchiMate, know for a fact that there are a number of prospects included in the same, including the aspects and the layers. The same are defined by the organization that the same is being made for.
The overall structure and the layout of the process is what further helps in drawing out the varying possibilities of things from different standpoints. Every single position in the same highlights the concerns that any of the stakeholders pose.
Some of the elements include the aspects and the layers. These are further divided into categories but they are the ones that help establish the main relationships and the concepts associated with the framework.
As we said before, the aspects are further subdivided into three different elements including the active structure aspect, the behaviour aspect and the passive structure aspect.
The active structure aspect is associated with the representation of the structural concepts in the business, helping establish better identity of the same.
The behaviour aspect is the one responsible for representing the behaviour including the processes, services or even the events involved. They are also used to help create a better understanding of the people or even the things associated in the structure that is further influencing the behaviour.
The passive structure aspect helps highlight the objects on which the behaviour aspect is working on. They include the information objects from the business layer as well as the data object from that of the applicator layer.
With the prospects of discussing about the Aspects, the next thing that is worth looking into are the layers. There are several layers involved, including the higher and the lower layers. The higher ones use the services provided by the lower ones.
For the most part, the layers are often subdivided into business layer, application layer and the technology layer.
The business layer is meant to help the external customers get access to the offers and the products that are further identified as important by the processes.
The application layer helps provide the business layer with the support that they need in terms of helping with the software applications involved around.
Lastly, the technology layer is the one that provides with the infrastructural services that support smooth function and operation of the systems, relying on the hardware and the software system.
What are the accessory elements?
Apart from the main elements of the aspects and layers, there is yet another important element involved in the ArchiMate that is worth taking a look into. It includes the Extensions which is then further divided into more subcategories.
The extensions are further categorized as the Motivation extension and the Implementation and Migration extension.
What are the benefits of using ArchiMate?
Nobody is going to bat an eye if there is no benefit involved in the process. The same is the case with ArchiMate as well. Given the kind of benefits that one can reap from it, it has gained a lot of popularity among the enterprises and the organizations as a very helpful element.
Some of the common benefits of using ArchiMate include:
- It helps draw out a very clear and crisp representation of the queries and the solutions that a stakeholder could be struggling with, thus helping provide with a better understanding of things. It further allows the organizations make informed and better decisions with a more accurate perspective of things.
- It helps establish better understanding of the correlations involved between the departments and the decision makers for better refined steps and strategies that convert. This has been found to further enhance the overall efficiency of the process as well.
- The clear and streamlined representation of things further help with better establishment of the answers to every kind of query that a stakeholder could be struggling with.
- Given the fact that is doesn’t rely on any kind of vendors, it doesn’t need the use for any kinds of tools and frameworks, further helping shape the future developments without any kinds of issues at all.
- The forum section of the platform also allows the users to seek support in case they are stuck somewhere with the process. It also helps with the exchange of more ideas and brainstorm the shortcomings, further helping streamline the process for the better.
- It helps seek out any possible loopholes in the process, helping establish a better outlook at things and to instill the mitigation strategies accordingly.
If you have been looking for a good platform that helps in drawing out the entire layouts for organizations and stakeholders without further issues and concerns, ArchiMate is definitely one of the best available ones in the market that provides with enhanced elements for better understanding of things.