BMI Charts: Everything you possibly need to know
Having a basic idea about the BMI charts ensure that you can keep your weight sorted and maintain a healthy balance to keep the risks associated at bay.
Having a basic idea about the BMI charts ensure that you can keep your weight sorted and maintain a healthy balance to keep the risks associated at bay.
Infographics have cropped up in the past few years to be deeply relevant and akin to the mass communication. Their extended word owes to information graphics, and they are graphical depictions of any kind of data or information. Their vision is to quickly cite part of the knowledge about a particular topic in a lucrative, … Read more
Organizational Charts are something that we have been using all this time to represent data in a more efficient way. We use them in office presentations, school and college exams, and to understand things in a better way. As we have been using them so frequently, it is important for us to get to the … Read more
What you witnessed here is a simple video illustrating the application of Data Visualization in our daily lives. We haven’t yet realized how much we’ve become dependent on the tools of Data Visualization to aid us in our projects and research. Before we begin to discuss on the various industries in which Data Visualization is … Read more
Imagine, you are sitting in a Climatology Class. The Professor is lecturing using endless tables of Weather data. Obviously, all that data is going to fly over your head. Long tables and lists tend to be boring (for most people). Pictorial representations of data make it easier for the brain to comprehend large amounts of … Read more