Blood Pressure Chart – Basics, Readings and Abnormalities

High blood pressure is one of the leading problems behind the worsening health conditions in individuals across the world. With so many health complications associated with this condition, it isn’t surprising that having a predisposed knowledge about reading the blood pressure chart can ensure better prevention.

What is Blood Pressure chart

If you have been provoked on the higher risk of developing the condition of hypertension, we have all the insights to share with you about blood pressure, hypertension and how you can read the blood pressure chart.

What is blood pressure?

Before anything, it is important that one knows about the basics of blood pressure is before we proceed on to talking about the charts involved.

Blood pressure is the pressure exerted by the blood circulating inside the body on the blood vessels. The same is done with respect to the way the heart is pumping the blood. It is often measured in millimeters of mercury (mm of Hg).

What are the types of blood pressure?

Under the general definition, there are two distinct categories that the blood pressure is again divided into.

The two types include:

  • Systolic blood pressure
  • Diastolic blood pressure

For those who aren’t aware, the systolic blood pressure is the top number in the reading of the blood pressure reading. It indicates the pressure of the blood exerted on the vessels as the heart is squeezing out to the body

For the diastolic blood pressure, it is the bottom number in the reading and indicates the pressure exerted by the blood flow in between the individual heart beats.

What are the abnormalities of the blood pressure?

Now that one has a basic understanding of what the entity of blood pressure is, it is important that they know what kind of abnormalities are bound to cross paths to get a better understanding of things while reading through the blood pressure charts.

In general, there are two different abnormalities;

  • Hypertension
  • Hypotension

Hypertension is the condition in which the blood pressure of the individual is more than what the normal range of the blood pressure should be which is 120/80 mm of Hg.

Hypotension is the condition in which the blood pressure of the individuals is less than what the normal range of the blood pressure should be. It is often less than the 120/80 mm of Hg.

What is the blood pressure chart?

Given that it’s often easier to avoid a disease when you know the precautionary steps, the same is the case with the blood pressure chart.

The blood pressure chart has been designed to help people know the normal and healthy blood pressure levels and the levels that they need to be concerned about.

Blood Pressure Chart

Given that our blood pressure does have direct impacts on some of the most common health risks like cardiovascular health and such, knowing the figures and managing them can actually help one lead a healthy life.

Seeing the chart itself, you would be able to point out how severe the condition is. There are several gradients in the chart which are indicative of individual risk zones. Some are on the same areas while some are definitely not on the same ones.

If your blood pressure is less than 90/60 mark, chances are that you are suffering from hypotension.

If the blood pressure is more than 140/90 mark, chances are that you are suffering from hypertension.

Anything excessively more than that is often characterized under the hypertensive category which requires immediate medical attention to ensure that it doesn’t take a turn towards something fatal.

What are the blood pressure categories according to the chart?

As mentioned before, the blood pressure categories are again further subdivided into more categories depending on the chart.

For your better understanding, it is important that you do know of the basics of the categories involved. Let us walk you through the important ones.

Normal range

The very first on the list of categories has to be normal which comprises of the blood pressure which reads less than the 120/80 mmHg mark. If your blood pressure levels are in this range, chances are that you wouldn’t necessarily have to worry about the risks of developing any serious heart condition or such that many often complain about. Maintain a healthy diet and an active lifestyle and you are good to do.


The next in the list of the categories that one needs to focus on is the Elevated range which comprises of the blood pressure that ranges from 120-129 mmHg systolic pressure and a consistent diastolic pressure of less 80 mmHg. People who have elevated blood pressure levels are often on the risk of developing high blood pressure if the necessary mitigation methods are not adhered to.

Hypertension stage 1

The third category in the chart is the Hypertension stage 1 in which the range varies within 130-139 systolic or 80-89 mm Hg diastolic pressure. In this kind of level, the doctors are more likely going to prescribe the patients with lifestyle changes and might even prescribe medications to align their blood pressure in the normal range.

Hypertension stage 2

The fourth category is the more serious and severe version of the third category in the chart. In this stage, the blood pressure of the individual is more likely going to be around the range of 140/90 mmHg. This is the stage where the doctors prescribe the blood pressure management medication without any kind of fail to keep the individual’s blood pressure in check.

Hypertensive crisis

The last and possibly the most severe cases of them all is the hypertensive crisis in which the blood pressure readings cross the range of 180/120 mm Hg. If the readings come off as like that, the doctor is more likely going to take a few minutes buffer and measure the blood pressure again. If the levels are still high, immediate medical interference is needed.

Out of the upper and lower number of blood pressure, which is important?

When reading the blood pressure and comparing it with the chart, there are chances that you will often wonder which of the two readings is the more important one? By important, we mean which one you need to be more wary about.

Both systolic and diastolic pressures play a crucial role in your blood pressure but the systolic blood pressure or the upper number is often the one which is paid more attention to.

The main reason why that is the case is because it is often the one that poses as the primary risk behind majority of the cardiovascular conditions that take place. But, that doesn’t mean that the significance of the diastolic blood pressure is any less.

Why is the blood pressure chart important?

Having a rough idea about the blood pressure chart and the readings ensure that you wouldn’t have to worry about anything during the times of crisis.

Knowing the levels ensures that you know what kind of lifestyle is working for you and what you need to follow through to keep your health in the best condition.

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