Multiplication Chart – Multiplication Made Easy

Kids undergo a lot of transformation when it comes to their studies and curriculum. While they do start off with the easy round of addition and subtraction, the transition to multiplication can be a challenge at times. It isn’t always the easiest for the kids to learn the multiplication the traditional way which is why it is important that parents find alternatives to help them through that.



2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
3 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
4 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
5 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
6 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
7 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70
8 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80
9 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90
10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Multiplication Chart is one such saviour that can help kids learn better about the tables and multiplication when it comes round to the small and the big numbers. Remind you that these don’t necessarily help multiple complex set of digits but can be an amazing option to look into if your kid is just starting out with multiplication and needs to learn about the basics of tables.

What is a Multiplication Chart?

Often times, many kids have the habit of adding numbers when they are asked to multiply. While that is okay, it is not necessarily the most feasible option for you to look into. A multiplication chart contains rows and columns filled with numbers that help find the product of two specific numbers.

In this, one number is chose from the left column and the other one from the top row. The rectangular array of numbers is what gives the answer to the product of the two.

Let us give you an example;

Multiplication Chart Calculation

In here, we are trying to find the multiplication product of 6×6 and 8×7.

So, for that, you have to select the 6 from the left column and 6 from the top row. Similarly, intersect 8 and 7 for the multiplication of 8×7. The point where these two numbers intersect on the chart is what the answer is. Pretty simple, right?

Why are multiplication charts so important?

This is a question that might pop up in many parents’ minds. But, to be honest, not every kid is born a genius. It might take some time for them to freehand the multiplication without “adding” the numbers. And, that is perfectly fine.

Multiplication chart makes the process more fun and easy for the kid to learn from. The numbers are so well arranged in the chart, that it doesn’t impose any kind of confusion in the kid. Plus, having them learn from the charts is often faster in comparison too.

But, it is important that you check for a fact that the kids are using the table during the initial days of the learning and not being solely dependent on the charts to get them by.

Once they have mastered the chart, ask them to memorize the products of the numbers so it’s easier for them to multiply when it comes to the general times, be it for a class or even for an exam.

How to read the multiplication chart?

As we did give an example before, the process of learning a multiplication chart is as easy as it comes. The simpler you teach your kids, the easier it becomes for them to grasp the concept. Don’t confuse them and just teach them the basics and see how they respond to that.

Once you have the basics covered, it does become easier for them to learn multiplication as well. To help you further, we are going to share some steps on how one can multiply numbers using the multiplication chart.

Multiplication Chart

For those who aren’t aware, this is a standard 10×10 multiplication chart.

Let us teach you the steps by helping you take an example by finding the product of 7×6.

The steps include:

  • Firstly, start by picking your number from the left column, which is 7
  • Once that is done, select the second digit, 6, from the top row
  • From the left where you have selected seven, move towards the right while simultaneously moving down from the 6
  • See where both the numbers come and intersect on the chart
  • You will find that 7 and 6 intersect at 42 which is what the answer of multiplication is.

Learning the multiplication chart is pretty easy if you are starting out. This is actually an amazing way to get the fear of multiplication out of the kid’s mind, if they have been struggling with any. Once that is sorted out, it does become a lot easier for the kids to tackle on big numbers and find their answers.

To be fair, you can make your own multiplication chart at home and make use of it. It can go up to any digit you want, it can be a 12×12 chart or even a 20×20 chart. It depends on your needs and requirements.

How can one learn the multiplication chart?

While we did teach you the basics of how to “read” the multiplication chart in the subhead before, the one that we want to discuss now is how to learn the multiplication chart. Kids won’t have their charts during the exams which is why memorizing the numbers and chart can be a bit easier for them to tackle their questions.

So, how can one learn the multiplication chart?

Before anything, know that the multiplication chart can be divided into two distinct parts – the lower times table and the upper times table. It is quite easier for the kids to learn the multiplication chart of 1, 2, 5 and 10, mainly because they do follow a distinct pattern.

These are the charts which are easy to learn are termed as the lower times table. The rest of them account for the upper times table because they are hard to remember.

So, in order to learn the upper times table, it is important that one knows their addition well and practice through it time and time. That is possibly the only way that can help mastering them.

In addition to that, there is also some additional information which suggests that the order of the numbers doesn’t necessarily matter when it comes to the multiplication. What it means is the answer for 5×4 is going to be the same as 4×5.

Additional tips to remember for multiplication using charts

Irrespective of whether you are doing the multiplication with or without charts, there are some accessory information that you need to know of. These tips can help in boosting the foundation of the knowledge that one has and helps build on it.

So, in here, we thought we’d share some of the basic fundamentals of multiplications that you didn’t know of.

i. Order isn’t important

As we did mention just before, during multiplication, order of the numbers isn’t that crucial to understand. It does matter if you are doing 4×5 or 5×4, the answer is always going to be 20. This is a basic fundamental that you can easily teach your kids for better understanding and ease of learning.

This is also often termed as the commutative property which further helps manage the multiplication a lot easy to understand.

ii. Multiple of even numbers are even

Even though this might not seem as important, it does play a very crucial role when your kid is learning the basics of multiplication. It doesn’t really matter what you are multiplying but if it is two even numbers, the product of the two numbers is always going to be even.

This is also in case of the odd number, the same suggests that whatever you multiply the even number with, the answer is always going to be even.

iii. Multiples of odd numbers are odd

Matching up with the rule above, the product of two odd numbers is always going to be odd. It is only applicable when you are multiple two odd numbers like 7 and 5.

So, oddxodd = odd but that doesn’t mean that the answer is going to be odd if you multiple an odd number with an even number.

iv. Multiple of 0, 1 and 5

This is a basic fundamental of multiplication that every kid must be aware of before they do start using the multiplication chart. Any kind of number that is multiplied by 0 gives an answer of 0.

The same is the case with 1. If you multiply any number by 1, the answer is always going to be the number itself.

When it comes to 5 though, let your kids know that the answer is always either going to end with a 0 or a 5. Be whatever you multiply it with, the end digit of the result will always either be a 5 or a 0.

v. Discuss the chart

When you are trying to teach your kid about the multiplication chart, it is a necessity that you discuss the complete chart with them by pointing out the fundamentals first.

Once the kids have the basic fundamentals sorted out, it does become a lot easier for them to handle the process of multiplication like a pro. Don’t rush through the process because the multiplication can be a confusing matter to learn when the kids are just transitioning.

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